Water phantomitem catalogue number: W-1-DD1-2


This water phantom has been designed by GeVero Co. for 3D dosimetry of ionising radiation. It can be used for irradiation and MRI or CT scanning of 3D dosimeters in:


  • Dose distribution phantom 1: item catalogue number: PH-5-DD1 or
  • Dose distribution phantom 2: item catalogue number: PH-6-DD2 (both GeVero Co.)


The phantom can be filled in with distilled water to deliver proper radiation scattering conditions during irradiation and CT measurements (to improve the measurements).


Some features of the phantom:

  • Very easy to operate
  • Very easy to clean
  • For multiple use
  • Transparent walls for observation of the irradiation effects in a dosimeter
  • It is made of plastic (poly(methyl methacrylate)). It can be scanned with MRI or CT
  • Equipped with holders adapted for fixation of PH-5-DD1 and PH-6-DD2



  • Height: 18 cm
  • Width: 15 cm
  • Depth: 25 cm
  • Wall thickness: 5 mm


Example use of the water phantom is reported elsewhere, please see:


Kozicki M., Berg A., Maras P., Jaszczak M., Dudek M. 2020 Clinical radiotherapy application of N-vinylpyrrolidone-containing 3D polymer gel dosimeters with remote external MR-reading Physica Medica 69 134–146